
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ready for Baby

Hello Friends,

Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I am currently 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant - 23 days until my due date. Hopefully she is not late as it is getting very difficult to do much of anything. I am not a Happy Camper and I really do feel bad for J. He has been a good sport, and helps pull me out of bed when I can't sit up. Luckily pregnancy carpal tunnel syndrome has not been too bad this past week - knock on wood. I hate to even say that because I suspect tonight my hands and fingers will be throbbing.

The baby's room is just about done, a few more things to get and do but overall she could come today and I wouldn't feel like I had to do anything right away. Every since I made my first pink owl crochet hat I have fallen in love with owls. So we went with the Dena Happi Tree Owl theme for the crib bedding and matching wall decals.

I do still need to get a rocking chair or glider. Finding one I like that is a good quality has been quite tricky. Maybe after work today I will have the energy to go out and look at some.

My bag is packed and ready to go for the hospital and I finally make Baby M a pink owl hat to match her going home outfit. The hospital has a photographer who comes and photographs your baby - for a hefty price I may add. I am going to bring some of my crochet props in hopes the photographer will like what s/he sees and may want to exchange some photos for some crochet goodies and flower headbands. Either way, I plan on taking some of my own photos while we are there too, so at least one pink hat was necessary.

Pink Newborn Crochet Hat - Owl
I hope the size will be good. Newborns are so tough to plan for size-wise. I am bringing another hat in the same color but with little bear ears and a white flower on it that can be used too if this one is too small. Heads are usually bigger than we think but newborns babies are sooo tiny, probably tinier than we usually think.

Pink Newborn Crochet Hat laying flat

Well I hope you are having a great day and can enjoy something fun today. Tomorrow I have some sneak peaks at the Spring 2013 patterns for any Vera bradley fans.

xoxo Susan


  1. That sweet baby is just going to love her room, and so are you as you spend so much time in there, rocking, changing, standing and bouncing trying to get that little one back to sleep.
    Great job on the room,

  2. What a lovely baby's room. You made me think of me getting ready for my first (a boy but I did not know before). I was a great time!

  3. You've made the nursery beautiful Susan!
    Wishing you all the very best in these last few weeks waiting - they are the worst and the best as you're all ready and just looking forward to it all happening and meeting your beautiful baby!!!!
    Get plenty of rest now while you can!
    Gill xx

  4. Your baby is room is just darling! Great job! Love those little hats too. I wish you the best!
    Eileen :)
