
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Crochet 15 minutes a day...

Hello Friends,

I have been missing from blog land for waaaaay too long. I have also been missing crocheting for way too long. I had a baby 22 months ago and have had very little time to crochet since then. We are expecting baby #2 and I am determine to crochet for 15 minutes a day 5 days a week to try to get back to some happy hooking time.

I have many WIPs stashed away and an embarrassing yarn stash patiently waiting for my return. I am happy to say, I am back at it and the first WIP I want to finish is the English Meadow blanket. You may remember when I started this blanket... well if you have a really good memory. It was February of 2011! Here was my first post about it and my initial inspiration in the color selection.

I have been able to do 14 more rows since picking it back up and have been very happy with the progress so far. 

Granny stripe

Granny stripe - beach

Granny stripe - beach

Granny stripe - beach

Granny stripe - beach
 I have about three hours worth of crocheting left to finish the number of rows I want for the length and then I need to do a small border. Hopefully I can finish this one and start making a new baby blanket... 

More soon, 

Susan xoxo